Mitigation Monitoring Program
What is a Mitigation Monitoring Program?
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that a Lead Agency (in this case, UC Santa Cruz) establish a program to monitor and report on mitigation measures adopted as part of the environmental review process. The Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) for the Final EIR was adopted by The Regents on progress at their September 19-21, 2006 meeting.
UCSC's Office of Physical Planning and Construction unit prepares an Annual Mitigation Monitoring Report that reports on progress in implementing the general campus mitigation measures (that is, those measures that are not tied to specific development projects) and, for each project under development during the preceding period, identifies applicable mitigation measures and documents the status of compliance for each project.
Read the Mitigation Monitoring Reports
Each Annual Mitigation Monitoring Report will be available for review by appointment at the Office of Physical Planning and Construction (located on campus). For your convenience, these reports are posted on this website and the current-year annual report also appears below.
- 2015-16 Annual Mitigation Monitoring (MMP) Report for the UC Santa Cruz 2005 LRDP (May 2017)
- MMP Introduction and Summary
- MMP Table 1 — Mitigation Status Summary
- MMP Table 2 — Mitigation Monitoring Report (by Mitigation Measure ID)
- MMP Table 3 — Project Implementation of LRDP EIR Mitigation Measures
In the MMP, the status of each mitigation measure is assessed each year, as: "Completed–No Further Action", "Complete–Ongoing", "In Progress", or "Not Triggered." In the case that the mitigation actions required during the current reporting year were only partially implemented during the reporting year, the "Summary of Mitigation Activities" section of the report describes the campus's progress in implementing these mitigations.
For more information about the MMP, please contact the Office of Physical Planning and Construction.
Also see the related annual monitoring report about the progress of elements in the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement.
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