Highlights of Settlement:
UCSC undergraduate enrollment will not exceed 17,500
While the 2005 LRDP projected a total enrollment of 19,500 on-camps students by 2020-2021, UCSC's undergraduate enrollment will not exceed 17,500 during the life of the LRDP. The agreement allows the campus to continue growing graduate enrollment.
UCSC housing to accommodate 67 percent of new students
UCSC will provide housing to accommodate 67 percent of new-student enrollment within four years of reaching that enrollment. (The 2005 LRDP originally called for UCSC to provide housing for 50 percent of undergraduates and 25 percent of graduate students during the life of LRDP.) At a total enrollment of 19,500, which is unlikely to occur earlier than the 2020-21 academic year, UCSC would provide university housing for 10,125 students.
City of Santa Cruz agrees to enact an ordinance regulating residential rental properties to make on-campus housing more attractive to students, and UCSC will match city funding for two compliance officers to enforce the ordinance.
UCSC to pay additional fees for new water supply
To continue city-provided water service to support additional on-campus development, UCSC will pay the city $6,530–or the fee then in effect–for each 85,000-gallon increment of water over existing campus usage to support the city's development of new sources of water supply. The fee is in addition to those already paid by the campus for its monthly water usage, and is equivalent to "system development charges" that the City assesses developers.
UCSC will submit an application to the Santa Cruz Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for inclusion of the North Campus area as part of the City water department's service area. If the LAFCO application is denied, there is a legal challenge of its decision, or if LAFCO decision takes longer than 18 months to be reached, the housing capacity commitment as originally stated in the 2005 LRDP is reinstated.
UCSC agrees not to put additional demand on the City's water supply during a City-declared water-shortage emergency.
UCSC makes fair-share contribution to transportation improvements
UCSC agrees that under the 2005 LRDP new "average daily trips" (ADTs) to the main campus will be limited to 3,900 and to pay the City approximately $1.5 million (based on a fee of $366/new trip, equal to fee paid by private developers). UCSC will also pay city approximately $420,000 in ADT fees related to Delaware Avenue offices.
The settlement commits UCSC to pay for new ADT at the Marine Sciences campus as ADT generating development is approved at the rate then in effect.
UCSC will limit ADT to the main campus to 28,700 ADTs if it is not prohibited from constucting housing in the North Campus. (Baseline ADTs to the campus total 24,800).
UCSC and city each commit to pay up to $500,000 over a three-year period to implement "transportation improvements that are not included in the City's current TIF [Traffic Impact Fee] Program." In addition, each entity will pay $50,000 to plan and implement a public transportation system to reduce auto congestion. UCSC also agrees to discharge the campus' prior LRDP mitigation obligations by paying its proportional share toward the Mission Street widening project, Empire/Heller signal project, and Bay Street overlay project.